Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Beelden inzet Nederlandse Apaches in Chora

Duration: 207 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 04:03:04
User: uitzendinggemist
:::: Favorites

Exlusief beelden van de inzet van Nederlandse Apaches in Afghanistan. De gehele uitzending:

DxExNxNxIxS ::: Favorites
Dat die gasten die heli niet hoorden. Het zijn natuurlijk luidruchtige personen en heli zit mogelijk op 2 km hoogte? Op Youtube staan zat beelden van Apaches die killen. En op LiveLeak misschien wel meer en erger. Vul bovenin, Appache attacks. Moet je zien. Shot by apache tijdens HOTSEX!!! (vervang DOT door een puntje en vergeet 3 w niet) DOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=RrnQE2WbhGE Andere kant v/h lijntje. slechts 1 schot: DOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=U7pNBiciZxY
07-08-06 19:41:37

Floods create British weather emergency

Duration: 91 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 17:57:39
User: TheRealNews
:::: Favorites

6 inches of rain in 24 hours in central and southern England causes worst flooding in 60 years July 24, 2007: The Independent newspaper calls it "A 21st century catastrophe." Heavy rains between last Friday and Saturday caused an estimated $4 billion in damage and left a third of a million people without drinking water, thousands more homeless and several towns isolated. The Guardian newspaper reveals the previous Labour government ignored two separate reports in 2004 and 2005, warning of inadequate drainage systems nationwide. The government has now ordered an independent review of the disaster and promised an additional $400 million to improve flood defences. The flooding coincides with a new study to be published in the science journal Nature that links human-induced climate change to rainfall patterns. The director of climate research at Environment Canada, Francis Zweirs, who co-authored the study, told the Globe and Mail, "It's the first time we've detected in precipitation data a clear imprint of human influence on the climate system...Temperature changes we can cope with. But water changes are much more difficult...That will have economic impacts, and impacts on food production and could ultimately displace population." APTN has video of the inundated British countryside.

HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Damned CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Damned CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION. Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!!
07-07-24 18:14:38
Interminablespirt ::: Favorites
Wow. How's it going in China?
07-07-24 18:47:43

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-11棒棒堂淘汰赛(上)Part3

Duration: 554 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-12 08:50:35
User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE
:::: Favorites

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-11

ohnoxheartbreak ::: Favorites
lol they played chris brown AND missy elliot
07-07-13 14:27:52
sweetfans ::: Favorites
woah.. that fish guy can really dance man,.... so hot there!
07-07-28 02:35:54

What Digital Video Camera Should I Buy?

Duration: 218 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 19:51:44
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

I get that question several times a day, so I thought I'd blog at willvideoforfood (search butterfly) and post this video. What digital video camera do you have? Like it? Where'd ya get it? How much? Music by:

drres ::: Favorites
Canon ZR850 Paid $400 Canadian with leather case and extra battery. If you want to to a lot of editing don't go with a DVD cam, you're better off with miniDV. I don't like that you have to upload in realtime to the PC. Also, invest in a firewire connection. Almost sounds like I know what I am talking about, well, I don't so look it up. Life is like a digital camera, you never know when you're gonna get to see spricket24 slap nalts. I'm fans of both!
07-07-11 04:27:37
Have you had it for over a year. sadiedammit said hers broke before a year.
07-07-14 07:14:36
Check craigslist for local private sellers. Cheaper than ebay and you can see the product when you exchange it for our hard earned cash.
07-07-14 07:18:48
Toa1337 ::: Favorites
Sony Handycam DCR-SR42, 600$, Awesome everything.
07-07-14 07:20:46
skylarportland ::: Favorites
Just purchased a Sony DCR-HC38 camcorder the other day from Ritz Camera for $400. I wanted something with a powerful zoom and this has it--40x optical zoom/2000x digital zoom. Easy to use, very small--but will not take still photos ( not in instruction booklet. ) Has consistent good reviews everywhere, all-in-all worth the price.
07-07-14 15:44:26
proconsulaugustus ::: Favorites
I'd love to punch you in the face.You're boring as shit and have an annoying lisp.I feel bad for you wife. She's cheating on you.You don't know it, but she me.
07-07-19 20:30:02
JeSsEgILdIrT ::: Favorites
Panasonic Palmcorder MiniDV Digital Camcorder This is a great camera. just draws attention to its self and only 250
07-07-21 14:51:36
watchman69 ::: Favorites
panasonic pv-gs320 - see webvideodoctor com for mo info even though I haven't updated my blog in a looong time
07-07-24 00:16:43
erthasoftballdolllz ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-02 14:25:21
stommy10 ::: Favorites
Is the Sony Handycam DCRHC26 a good camera? Please reply.
07-08-02 17:02:54

1995 Goody's 500 Starting Lineup

Duration: 114 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-18 20:48:27
User: SKracing
:::: Favorites

ESPN's brief intro and starting grid for the August night race at Bristol Motor Speedway, a race that would become an instant classic later that night -- or should I say, early the next morning. Rain would delay the start of the race for hours following the clip shown here.

franticfury ::: Favorites
wow...look at that lack of Stadium-like Grandstands.
07-05-19 18:05:18
tubularlyradical ::: Favorites
yeah, I noticed that
07-05-29 13:39:02
JRracing0116 ::: Favorites
i loved the way bristol used to look at that size...idk why
07-06-25 04:42:06

Mazda Hakaze Concept

Duration: 63 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-07 10:00:48
User: worldcarfans
:::: Favorites
Description: - Promotional clip of the Mazda Hakaze Concept

Alin Sania, in Dinamo-Steaua 27-34, by Cristi Otopeanu

Duration: 23 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-22 05:09:00
User: cristiotopeanu
:::: Favorites

Alin Sania, in Dinamo-Steaua 27-34, by Cristi Otopeanu,

Stanleynickel's Next Project

Duration: 38 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 01:10:21
User: stanleynickel
:::: Favorites

carlos1saenz ::: Favorites
Can't wait for the opening
07-08-06 13:35:16

ipet tuzcuoglu yakalanma

Duration: 44 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-15 19:45:46
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites

ipek tuzcuoglu bikini yakalanma

kazanovaxx ::: Favorites
07-07-16 04:25:31
doga112 ::: Favorites
bi sen kalmıştın hay ben sizin yakalanmanızı
07-07-16 06:20:28

大小愛吃 - MAKIYO.日本少女的夢幻料理 part4

Duration: 486 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 00:29:04
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

大小愛吃 - 20070716 來賓: Makiyo

2007 Coca Cola 600-Gordon Crashes

Duration: 252 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 10:44:25
User: Buggy1Boy
:::: Favorites

3rd caution flag of the day comes out when Tony Raines gets loose off of turn 4 and gets into Jeff Gordon who takes a hard hit into the wall and A.J. Allmendinger who launched Gordon's car off the ground and kept the car up right. Jeff Burton and Robby Gordon was also involved. Mike Joy, Larry McReynolds, and Darrell Waltrip with the call.

vettedude418 ::: Favorites
you can kiss my ass fuck tard
07-07-13 16:58:45
pitzy60784 ::: Favorites
Jeff Gordon had the best car that whole freaking race!
07-07-17 08:33:31
mudface94 ::: Favorites
i am a big gordan fan... but like him or not... it would suck if he got hurt... hes the 3-5th best driver ever to race in stats..and he has 20-30 years in em left
07-07-22 00:14:04
Habanero11792 ::: Favorites
07-07-22 11:56:23
Mikey2448 ::: Favorites
it would be a national holiday if you could shut up and go away.
07-07-24 13:28:05
killerkash66 ::: Favorites
Allmendinger is a hero
07-07-30 16:20:54
randomjunk52 ::: Favorites
Red Bull gives you wings lol
07-08-01 16:57:17
morgannesoccerwifeej ::: Favorites
Hot adult pictures at PHOTOADULTS dot COM
07-08-02 12:26:25
royaledave ::: Favorites
It really is shocking to see Gordon in a wreck because he's such a good driver he's rarely ever in one. He almost saved this one too! Damn, he's awesome. Go Jeff!!
07-08-04 21:03:51
sporgie84 ::: Favorites
I am really shocked Jeff Gordon didn't save it. I was super angry when I saw AJ Allmendinger involved.
07-08-06 00:33:52

Parkiranje u centru grada

Duration: 23 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-13 08:30:48
User: 24sata
:::: Favorites

Čovjek parkirao automobil u centru Zageba

ajsmithva ::: Favorites
Na kojoj je ulici?
07-06-14 20:38:20
24sata ::: Favorites
ilica kod skretanja na frankopansku
07-06-15 06:38:53
ajsmithva ::: Favorites
Hvala, našao sam na MapQuestu. Živeo sam u Zagrebu kas dam studirao na sveučilištu Zagreba 1972 godine.
07-06-15 19:20:17
zzzlobs ::: Favorites
klasican debilizam
07-06-15 07:49:59

フルキャスト M字開脚

Duration: 31 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:57:39
User: FullcastGroup
:::: Favorites


我要变成硬柿子 Ep11 Part2

Duration: 554 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 08:16:40
User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE
:::: Favorites


gaotianqi ::: Favorites
first to watch hee
07-07-31 08:39:44
sugarainbow ::: Favorites
thx.. waitin 4 part3....^-^
07-07-31 08:45:04
xymex ::: Favorites
show's GREAT!!
07-08-05 21:16:24


Duration: 337 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-04 20:50:13
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites

ibo alisan

turkishDragon ::: Favorites
Alisan'in Albümü daha iyi olmus dogruya dogru
07-03-07 22:29:16
cihanbeylili ::: Favorites
alişan en baştan iboya özenmesin neymişte nihat doğanada demiş veliahtımsın diye ondan surat yapıyor
07-03-10 13:57:12
cihanbeylili ::: Favorites
neymişte nihat doğanada veliahtım demiş demişse demiş sen şeref duyacaksın kardeşim surat yapmayacaksın ibonun yanında kım oluyorsun sen yavv:))
07-03-10 13:58:41
cihanbeylili ::: Favorites
abi 320 bin oldu ibo alişan 70 binlerde ama daha bitmedi satışlar göreceğiz alişan efendi
07-03-11 15:06:15
AnonymGirL18 ::: Favorites
ben alisandan nefret ediyorum, kendini cok begenmis ukela. sen ibrahim tatlisesin tirnagini bile olamazsin. ibonun albumu cok satar, bide super bi album yapmis. seninkini bile 10 basar.
07-03-12 07:11:34
Niyobalboa ::: Favorites
isterse imparator velihatini daha 100 kisiye verir ..ama yinede saygisizlik etmiceksin hiyar ve velihati nihat dogana laik görüyorum ...görürsünüs nihat dogan imparatora babasi gibi bakacak
07-03-16 07:25:36
muttofkelee ::: Favorites
alisan sakin iboya bulasma.. yoksa sende mahsun gibi bitersin!!!
07-05-16 04:33:37
sweden77urran ::: Favorites
Alemin Tek Imparatoru IBRAHIM TATLISES Alisanin sesi güzel ama Iboyla daglar gibi farklari var. Neyse.....
07-06-02 06:06:25
ArabeskCane ::: Favorites
Yaw Ibo Babamdir Alisan Askimdir :))))) Alisan Yeme Beni :)))))))) Elleme babami Yersin Tekmemi :@
07-06-11 19:05:43
efrinsoldier ::: Favorites
hassen die sich oder was
07-06-17 21:15:34

Minibus explodes in Baghdad market

Duration: 121 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 07:57:03
User: TheRealNews
:::: Favorites

At least 6 people are killed and more than 30 injured the day after Iraq celebrates national soccer victory Monday July 30th, 2007 The soccer win seemed briefly to unite Iraqis of all religious and political affiliations. In what's described as the biggest street demonstrations since the fall of Saddam Hussein, joyous fans celebrated across the country in an outpouring of national pride. The team, known as the Lions of Mesopotamia, defeated Saudi Arabia 1-0 at the Asian games in Jakarta. For security reasons, the team does not play in Iraq. Players earn their living abroad, including the team captain and goal scorer, Younis Mahmoud, a Sunni Arab who says he is too scared to come home. Today's bombing happened just hours after authorities had lifted a ban on all vehicles in Baghdad and other major cities. The ban had been imposed in an attempt to prevent violence before and after the game. A minibus blew up around midday outside a market and bus depot near Baghdad's Tarayan square. The bus was one of several waiting to take passengers to mostly Shia neighborhoods. APTN cameras captured the euphoria of the players and cheering Iraqis Sunday, as well as the destruction that followed Monday.

aliraqya ::: Favorites
الله ينتقم من كل من كتل الفرحة بصدور العراقيين وتفرج يا عراق يا بلد الابطال
07-08-03 11:30:23
pourprepapillon ::: Favorites
En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otros 5 videos.ESTO ES CIERTO
07-08-07 15:39:20
pourprepapillon ::: Favorites
En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otros 5 videos.ESTO ES CIERTO
07-08-07 15:40:14

Ford Models 360 The Source: Brazil

Duration: 146 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-04 20:54:15
User: fordmodels
:::: Favorites

Beautiful girls of Brazil backstage at Fashion Week.

KM Williams/Trainreck - Meet You At The Station

Duration: 242 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-25 23:44:00
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

KM Williams and Washboard Jackson(Known as The Trainreck) performing a Original Texas/Mississippi Boogie "Meet You At The Station" live on the Streets of Deep Elllum,Dallas,TX during Filming of the DVD "A Night in a Trainreck"

elmolincoln ::: Favorites
I really like what the drummer is doing and how it works with the guitar.
07-06-26 18:45:21

Bukka White - Jelly Roll Blues

Duration: 132 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-01 15:42:48
User: vleb
:::: Favorites

Bukka White plays "Jelly Roll Blues", Furry Lewis being in the audience

ljj111191 ::: Favorites
so does anyone know what style of guitar booker played all i know is that it was a national
07-05-20 11:08:32
leftblues ::: Favorites
Awesome video! Thanks for posting it.
07-06-05 10:24:07
saustin151 ::: Favorites
National single cone,biscuit bridge, aprox. a mid-1930's model, w/ a nickel body- what else do ya want to know? National Resno-Phonic is making them now...Dobro has a good model replicating this style as well!
07-06-15 21:57:26
jimbobplaysbass ::: Favorites
i think i've seen footage of Furry with those same 3 chicks sitting by a blue "furry lewis"
07-07-12 09:43:16
Danonzeeroad ::: Favorites
i like the way the lady over his right shoulder tries to stop giggling, and rolls her eyes, especially when he says *jelly roll* :)
07-07-13 22:34:29
BottleneckJohn ::: Favorites
Awesome old man!!! Bukka is THE man!! Any more videos from this event?
07-07-17 18:16:38
TheVioletSounds ::: Favorites
07-07-22 08:08:33
saha13d636 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the site CAMAHOLIC DOT NET
07-07-24 02:27:48
careygymnastwomanzu ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-07 10:28:02
jcwitte ::: Favorites
Furry Lewis was snortin' a slide full of something at 56 seconds.
07-08-07 23:00:09

T-Model Ford - Yes I Goin(Catfish Blues)

Duration: 300 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-25 23:18:49
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

T-Model Ford; Performing Live(with Eric Deaton on Bass and The Tour Manager on Drums)performing his version of The Delta Standard "Catfish Blues"

elderwood111 ::: Favorites
mississippi's best greasy blues
07-06-29 19:29:47
jasonricci ::: Favorites
hey im trying to contact Eric Deaton..This hi buddy jason Ricci...can you e-mail me any info you might have on him...Thank you so much!!!
07-07-21 03:01:14

KM Williams/Trainreck - Cut Some Wood(Street Version)

Duration: 294 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-22 21:22:22
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

Trainreck(KM Williams and Washboard Jackson)playing its Orginal Composition "Cut Some Wood) on The Streets of Deep Ellum,Dallas,TX

kdwilent ::: Favorites
This is Texas/Mississippi Street Boogie
06-10-30 18:29:46
fromthebd ::: Favorites
You guys are awsome! Keep on making music!
07-05-30 23:16:41
kdwilent ::: Favorites
ThankS for the Encouragement! We'll keep on boogeying as long as someone wants to hear it.
07-06-13 21:02:46
levanto99 ::: Favorites
Trainreck rules!
07-01-28 11:16:14
BluesForBreakfast ::: Favorites
Man you guys are Gnarlidocious!!! Keep doing your thing! I'm going to save some money to come see you guys...
07-06-13 15:21:45
kurremkarm ::: Favorites
No shit. You guys are so unique and good.
07-06-16 07:35:59
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thanks !
07-06-17 22:06:40
devinasmallcuteyux ::: Favorites
visit FLINGDATINGSITE . COM for hot women to date
07-08-07 10:05:44

Robert "Wolfman" Belfour at the Juke Joint Festival

Duration: 191 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-25 11:29:20
User: nhudson301
:::: Favorites

Robert Belfour at Del's General Store at the 2007 Juke Joint Festival in Clarksdale, MS.

fearapow ::: Favorites
07-05-27 16:17:00
gabrielanderson ::: Favorites
Robert Belfour is one of the lasts professional Southern US blues players. Absolutely beautiful. Crystal clear playing and unique sound comparing to many so called Southern players. I wonder when he gonna get noticed, when he turns 100? Come on business people, here is your guy!
07-06-17 07:23:53
ozz85 ::: Favorites
What a great bluesman...I love Robert Belfour!!!
07-06-25 11:34:13
Runebert88 ::: Favorites
This is the real deal! Thanks so much for posting it. Would love to see and hear more of his work.
07-07-15 04:40:48
taxbluesman ::: Favorites
buen blues man
07-07-30 16:51:53
gizakiss ::: Favorites
terrific blues from the soul.
07-08-01 01:43:35
ashelyhugecuteynj ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-07 10:30:59

K.M. Williams' Solo Texas Boogie

Duration: 274 seconds
Upload Time: 06-02-28 21:38:38
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

K.M. Williams;Known as the TEXAS COUNTRY BLUES PREACHER;Performing solo Blues Boogie Live at the Longhorn Barbeque in Cedar Hill, TX

Leondale ::: Favorites
You are now one of my modern day blues favorites.
06-06-22 09:27:05
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thanks, Leondale! If you like this go to for my CD,s.
06-06-23 00:17:59
tonygasser ::: Favorites
this guys gonna take peeps to school...ah finally real blues...props, many props...
07-02-26 01:59:49
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thanks Man! just Keeping it Real!
07-03-19 18:33:29
Guitarist80 ::: Favorites
That's some nice rhythm
07-05-28 20:57:39
laurenesweetwomanjw ::: Favorites
Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM <
07-08-07 10:04:11
kriniere323 ::: Favorites
Yes mate!!! You know how to make this guitar sing!!! One feels the spirit in your music. Keep going!!!
07-08-07 11:46:10
TheSoloists ::: Favorites
I must say, your guitar playing has a very nice full sound to it.
07-08-07 15:11:59
Naut ::: Favorites
great voice, love your playing.
07-08-07 18:17:48
32169 ::: Favorites
I think I'm gonna be sick....
07-08-07 20:50:26

Paul Wine Jones "Nobody But You"

Duration: 239 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-25 01:05:37
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

Live Concert of Hill Country/Delta Blues from the Late nineties by the Late ,Great Paul "Wine" Jones

SUEDEHEAD7 ::: Favorites
R.I.P. Paul Wine Jones..
06-07-31 23:19:19
rytkonen ::: Favorites
Great Fat Possum stuff!!!!
06-08-28 16:46:47
stefancil ::: Favorites
I have seen Paul Wine Jones with this song in Bordeaux, it was great, the whole gig was graet. Stefan
07-02-19 11:57:36

KM Williams - Live In Italy

Duration: 289 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-10 18:58:30
User: kdwilent
:::: Favorites

KM Williams Live at the Roots and Blues Festival 2005 in Parma Italy; for more info on video/DVD see

wolvoboy ::: Favorites
awsome,when you comin to the uk.
06-08-04 05:12:42
kdwilent ::: Favorites
When I'm offered a decent tour package; I will come(I will be in Switzerland at the Blues to Bop Fest at the end of August)
06-08-04 07:18:09
wolvoboy ::: Favorites
the best place in the uk is the robin hood club in bilston,
06-08-04 13:56:25
wolvoboy ::: Favorites
it just gets are the man!
06-08-05 04:32:37
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thanks! My email is; have your promoter make me an offer and we will see what can be done!
06-08-05 10:48:42
Erwinn ::: Favorites
Great, nice boogies. You´re a reall blues man.
06-10-16 07:00:08
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thanks! Trying to keep this Music Style Alive! KM
06-10-16 09:52:13
harpofly ::: Favorites
It was great to see you in Helena and find you here. Made my week! Glad you are playing these great gigs in Europe. Maybe good guys do win
06-10-20 11:01:08
kdwilent ::: Favorites
Thank you! Keeping the real deal boogie alive!
06-12-04 17:10:35
mindyprettydollvz ::: Favorites
The best college girls on cam @ CAMSUNIVERSITY . COM !
07-08-07 10:05:50