Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-22 19:11:12
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audie32smooth ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-28 20:40:24
ungobob ::: Favorites
where would they bring people to torture them?
07-06-26 07:34:11
ginerlynn ::: Favorites
That is my fear too. Getting rid of Gitmo probably strikes a nice chord,but I am far too cynical to think they would not merely do exactly what you say they would. Same crimes;less attention.
07-06-23 11:45:09
dafttool ::: Favorites
The new talk is closing Gitmo and building lots of little gitmos that can escape the world's scrutiny. The complex issues the administration is facing is keeping these people off of US soil as to go around the constititional protections they would automatically be afforded.
07-06-22 23:10:53


Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 00:56:44
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Telcontar1962 ::: Favorites
Doesn't that tell you more about the Clintons and Bush's than the veracity of their case? There is no Democrat/Republican divide just as their isn't in many "democratic" countries. It was a good lie while it lasted but this war just blew a gaping whole in the whole game.
07-09-04 22:49:19
mannerheimline ::: Favorites
unfortunately we(bush/admin) are extremely arrogant and that it has always been this way to a large extent (generally speaking). monroe doctrine, roosevelt corollary, stealing cuba as a protectorate, raping phillipines against their will, stealing panama canal land, bay of pigs, Gdubs had a nice big photo of one of his heroe's 'rough rider' himself in the white house. some strong similarities.
07-08-29 22:18:10
4juno ::: Favorites
kieth olbermann's got brass ones.
07-08-18 17:03:59
RattyRatman ::: Favorites
IMPEACH:... Usalone. Com Impeachbush. Org Pledgetoimpeach. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 15th:... Sept15. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 29th:... Troopsoutnow. Org YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Congress. Org Senate. Gov MEDIA: Fair. Org TROOP RESISTANCE:... Sirnosir. Com Ivaw. Org Couragetoresist. Org
07-08-10 04:37:55
MELESAKUEHN ::: Favorites
did you know that just months before this, there was a whitehouse document that stated we need a "new world harbor" to get the sheeple behind the war? how many politicians kids are over there fighting the war? NONE!!! doesn't that tell you something? they don't believe in the cause enough to send their own kids! granted, most government leader are good people. it's just the rogue government behind the scenes WHO HAVE EVERYTHING TO GAIN BY GOING TO WAR & NOTHING TO LOSE! open your eyes!
07-08-04 23:40:08
MELESAKUEHN ::: Favorites
did you know King George's brother was in charge of security for the WTC complex & that in the weeks just prior to the attack he had the buildings evacuated to "upgrade the security system"? did you know Silverstein took out a HUGE 3.5 Billion dollar insurance policy just weeks before that SPECIFICALLY COVERED ACTS OF TERRORISM?
07-08-04 23:34:34
MELESAKUEHN ::: Favorites
did you know jet fuel doesn't burn anywhere near hot enough to melt steel? thermate, on the other hand will melt steel & WAS FOUND AT THE CRIME SCENE! how do you explain bldg 7 coming down in a freefall collapse, even though it was not hit by a plane? even the owner of the bldg, Silverstein, said they "pulled" it, which means a controlled demolition & a controlled demolition takes WEEKS to prepare.
07-08-04 23:30:55
MELESAKUEHN ::: Favorites
I repeat, you have not done your homework. do you think if you keep repeating what you heard, that will make it so? are you honestly going to come to a conclusion without looking at the EVIDENCE? are you in control of your own mind? or do you just mindlessly repeat what you've heard? did you know people who worked at the WTC were called & warned not to go to work that day? people were warned not to fly that day. little kids went to school & said those buildings are coming down next week.
07-08-04 23:26:05
john135246 ::: Favorites
Actually we don't know the progress...remember not until September. But just like Bush, lie to us Americans. Yep Bush got it right after all the WMD's and all.
07-08-04 22:33:50
robopad ::: Favorites
If i had a dime for every time i heard WMD during the Clinton administration,I would have retired, if i recall clinton bombed a factory believing to have contained WMD. On top of that hillary went to some of Clintons advisors, before she voted to go forward with the war in iraq, which they said every thing that Bush said was correcto mundo, and to say that 9/11 was an indide job is just plain ignorant.
07-08-04 11:47:43


Duration: 09:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-03 22:01:14
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prrolg ::: Favorites
Do you know who was prosecuting Marc Rich? Mr prosecutor Fitzgerald!! How about that for a coincidence? Fitzgerald's broiling of Libby was revenge for Libby convincing Rich to run to Europe to avoid prosecution thus setting up Clinton's pardon of him.Libby isn't really guilty of anything not that he means anything to me.
07-08-16 18:43:33
prrolg ::: Favorites
Let's get to this now. Joe Wilson set out to destroy Pres Bush with his NYT article.That started the most predictable political war I have ever seen.His wife suggested him for a Niger trip and he came back a Democratic political activist.HER RESPONSIBILITY was to protect her status and network and she did not.Wilson and Plame should be in Levinworth prison right now for blowing her own cover.
07-08-16 18:34:27
prrolg ::: Favorites
Joe Wilson??? The pepsi I was drinking just went up my nose from laughter.
07-08-16 18:31:06
prrolg ::: Favorites
Here is a little support. A sole is on the bottom of your shoe.Soul is what you were trying to refer to.
07-08-16 18:26:12
lt5lee ::: Favorites
Yea well, if all lawyers dropped dead I could get use to the idea real fast.
07-07-16 17:29:48
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
Damn 500 character limit. And I think we could do without any bush's OR clintons for awhile. Maybe a decent 3rd party.
07-07-16 14:17:18
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
And don't be a ditto head! For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would call them selves that. Or hitch their wagon to an addle brained Oxy-contin abuser and a hypocrite.
07-07-16 14:15:00
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
I truly do feel sorry for you,man.You can't see past left right bickering to see the truth. I keep hearing stuff like "but,but clinton did it too",which is sad.Yes clinton pardoned a lot of people including Mark Rich. Do you know WHO Rich's lawyer was that asked clinton for the pardon? None other than I. Scooter Libby!
07-07-16 14:12:20
lt5lee ::: Favorites
You're a victim of liberal propaganda calling all other sources propaganda, go test your sources as real facts do not change despite the source.
07-07-14 21:55:04
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
You need to quit drinking the koolaid and get your info from other scources.Not just rush, faux news, and all your other far right scources. In other words DON'T BE A SHEEP!
07-07-13 09:03:57

destilando amor final

Duration: 04:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-17 00:11:34
User: destilandoamor33
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shuniss1 ::: Favorites
por favor algien k ponga la novela nueva pasion
07-09-18 14:42:37
wayter31 ::: Favorites
no nos dejes asi, por favor el final.........
07-09-17 09:37:49
tattoogoddess805 ::: Favorites
y el final que????
07-09-17 01:14:18
nirilicius ::: Favorites
07-09-17 01:04:52

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 19:21:48
User: gthcomm
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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan


Duration: 07:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 18:41:08
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Jackassbobby112 ::: Favorites
If only that day will come. This war is meaningless.
07-06-26 03:32:38
Lungyao1 ::: Favorites
Thank you for posting this!
07-06-25 21:47:18
josj15 ::: Favorites
"rogue government faction"
07-06-25 20:30:30
KIDiotequeA ::: Favorites
If we'd let them set up a fair percap system for oil, instead of trying to force their hand to legislation that clearly have outside multinational interests in mind; and pull our troops out stability would come...
07-06-25 20:15:32

Chaos on Barcelona

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-08 14:22:16
User: Nailon
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Chaos on Barcelona 2006.

Umut Türkiye brezilya

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 15:43:16
User: gthcomm
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Umut Türkiye brezilya

haha6591 ::: Favorites
yaramin anteleri siz ciksaydiniz ozaman o maca tabi gotüngüz siksa!!!!
07-08-21 15:57:11
onurock ::: Favorites
top falsolu geldi adamın kafasına o toplara düzgün vurmak zordur futbol oynayan bilir küfür etmeyin adama laaa,
07-08-08 08:50:14
asilturkmhd ::: Favorites
doğru a.q adam daha ilk maçına çıktı ne kötülüyonuz
07-07-29 07:21:03
gs03gs ::: Favorites
olm ne aptalsiniz yaa !! adam ahmet mehmet'e karsi oynarken birden kendini ronaldinho kaka karsisinda buldu !! got herifler !! neymis, umut kafani sikim, biz sizin gibilerin gotunu sikelim !!!
07-06-12 13:31:44
rvd1907 ::: Favorites
umut senin yumurta kafani sikim
07-06-09 06:29:58
wahhap ::: Favorites
gol atsaydı bir sürü olumlu yorum yapardın.adamın kafasına tam top gelmedi diye küfrediyosun..Umut ligde 15 gol attı.kendini yeni yeni geliştiriyor.çok iyi bir golcü.. zamanla milli takımın dğişmez golcülerinden biri olabilir..daha önce a milli takımda böyle önemli bir maçta oynamamıştı.daha ilk maçtan böyle ağır yorumlar yapmamalıyız..
07-06-07 04:31:24
DaNGeRTurK61 ::: Favorites
onto41 doğru konuş lan onun bunun çocuğu
07-06-06 09:41:44
onto41 ::: Favorites
umut kafanı sikiyim
07-06-06 06:06:34


Duration: 06:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 22:46:07
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dapayfx15751 ::: Favorites
I absolutely love this video! But I know of something else that everyone would love. It is kinda creepy, because it actually works, but awesome. I found a way to figure out your crush. Try it for yourself at crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .) before you say it's impossible. Don't break this or you will have bad luck! Go find your crush out now! crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .)
07-09-11 01:13:36
tescr ::: Favorites
After the Diebold debacle at Iowa straw poll, what are some of the meausures we can take to prevent vote fraud? I am thinking: Inform people, raise awareness Write to media, radio shows Write to congressmen, senators, local politicians What about legal actions? Any ideas to prevent the Electronic Machines from making the Election a SELECTION? See what happens to your vote youtube . com/watch?v=GzPXer7946E HACKING DEMOCRACY
07-08-15 19:35:51
selfTrust1 ::: Favorites
Where's the outrage?
07-08-08 20:43:28
MrMichuzz ::: Favorites
also echelon ip adresses ht tp://bilderberg(dot)org/sis.htm#hacked
07-08-08 05:41:10
MrMichuzz ::: Favorites
Echelon is an automated word-screening and data mining program, monitors all e-mail and cell phone communications worldwide for certain keywords. Echelon can be rendered useless if large numbers of people were to include the Echelon key word list in every email that they send.high precentage of e-mails and cell phone calls contain the keywords, their value is nullified.the list is too long to post here, but you should be able to find it here ht tp://ww w.rense(dot)com/general66/scgh(dot)htm
07-08-08 05:40:21
TarotFate ::: Favorites
Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act and is against the government spying on its citizens. Vote Ron Paul for President 2008. ronpaul2008 (dot) com
07-08-08 02:25:33
blookup ::: Favorites
Now, we're going to have to go back to animal calls & smoke signals.
07-08-08 02:20:50
password ::: Favorites
liberty took a punch thanks to too many blue dogs, but liberty won't be held down forever. thanks for temporarily selling out our freedoms congress to a warmonger!
07-08-07 18:25:01
Budvb ::: Favorites
we are being Bucked and no one cares. America will die without any Liberty!
07-08-07 15:14:44
Suz45 ::: Favorites
I doubt I will live to see it. God knows Congress has failed to both have the backbone and to be creative enough to find its away around the AG,but for my children's sakes,I must hope that people wake the heck up.
07-08-07 15:00:45


Duration: 11:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 06:17:51
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Goadhatesmyspace ::: Favorites
It is true that the city dwellers like America, but for that people in the North Eastern part, they aren't big fans. And most the Pakistanis live outside the city. You can't even beging to control those people because their is very little government control.
07-09-17 00:15:56
geomush ::: Favorites
Pakistan does not need a democracy in its current form. As I have said before, here the democracy is voice of feudals, tribal leaders, land lords and not people. yes in big cities, the people are independent and free to choose whatever they want but almost 60% of population is rural. Once we end feudalism then people will be free to choose whoever they want. Right now it is more about getting landlords/feudals on your side than people on your side.
07-09-14 09:52:01
geomush ::: Favorites
Pakistan is still a majority feudal/tribal/land lord type society where democracy is not the voice of people but voice of choosen few. Do not equate these leaders with democratic leaders in real democratic countries. These people like nawaz and bhutto can do whatever they want with the country and yet they will do good in elections. Activists for real democracy will always tell you that untill you end real democracy can come in pakistan.
07-09-14 09:48:27
amitdahiya ::: Favorites
Pakistan needs to stop looking thousands of miles away for policy support, just look east towards India. There should be greater exchange between the peoples of INdia and Pakistan, it should be a free trade region and slowly have integrated militaries and cricket team. US can play a very strog mediator in the overall process.
07-09-11 03:13:00
breaks0 ::: Favorites
Those politicians are basically oligarchs. But the supreme court justice appears to be different, and frankly Pakistan and the whole of South Asia would be alot better off with someone like him running things than oligarchs, a fairly reactionary military, tribal leaders or radical Islamic nationalists. Their is an alternative and this is probably it.
07-09-10 15:15:43
breaks0 ::: Favorites
At least a good chunk of their population is fighting to keep what's left of their liberal democratic institutions, like the judiciary and the constitution. I don't really include Bhutto or Sharif in that, even though they're technically democrats too, since they're like alot of traditional caudillo-"democrats" in many parts of latin america, the philippines and elsewhere who win elections and do nothing for the poor vast majority of the population.
07-09-10 15:12:45
theogore ::: Favorites
Great post. Thank you very much.
07-09-10 13:35:06
dafttool ::: Favorites
It's not the first time America has embraced a dictator for short term gain, ignoring the long term fallout (blowback). Bush has been too close to Mushaffir, just as both of them have been too lax with al Qaeda in Waziristan.
07-09-10 07:58:12
WimmyRoad ::: Favorites
I've been to Pakistan many times. Its a beautiful country, some of the people can be a pain in the neck but on the whole the people are not terrorists. Americans forces have forced the Taliban into North western frontier province of Pakistan. Pakistan has lost Soldiers fighting terrorism. Pakistan needs a democracy and need less of the foreign intervention. If ignorant Americans think that Pakistan is full terrorists then they can kiss my brown arse.
07-09-10 07:47:25


Duration: 04:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 09:45:25
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Panaceamedia ::: Favorites
"Luciano Pavarotti on a treadmill, not going no where slim chance he will" Sadly that line is now even truer. What a huge range he had without leaving HIS octave.
07-09-09 06:22:19
Tyrant00128 ::: Favorites
Im so sad right now...godammit. Pavarotti died!
07-09-08 02:39:36
rolandsebastien ::: Favorites
un gran homme vient de nous quitter
07-09-07 14:36:29
immanent ::: Favorites
Its a travesty I never got the chance to see the man perform live. Such a missed opportunity.
07-09-07 03:12:29
minasoliman ::: Favorites
RIP :-(
07-09-07 02:04:02
madguitarist ::: Favorites
The world has lost one of its elite musical icons. Such a loss, cannot be measured, but his legacy will live on, and he will always be remembered. R.I.P.
07-09-06 22:13:40
MUSKETT30 ::: Favorites
"He couldn't act, but who cared, if he could sing like this" I thought that was a funny line. R.I.P.
07-09-06 14:20:30
ShinsengumiTaicho1 ::: Favorites
What a voice! He will be missed.
07-09-06 14:06:06
infokemp3 ::: Favorites
A great man has passed from the stage of life.
07-09-06 10:34:37


Duration: 06:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 10:03:44
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lisadseeker ::: Favorites
Ron Paul commands attention. He is the most thoughtful sincire candidate running and it scares the establishment to death. He would actually do what he thought was best for the American people regardless of what he's pressured to do. A good man that would make a good president.
07-09-19 00:52:36
Riac007 ::: Favorites
Those reports are wankers. Guess they cant understand someone has has a differnt idea then those the rest of those Presidential puppet brown nosers. :-/
07-09-18 17:55:31
thomasw78 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul just called the neo-cons ex-democrats. That's pretty awesome I would like to hear more about that.
07-09-17 23:19:42
deadflagbluesxxx ::: Favorites
Federal spending is outrageous in comparison to its results. We should definitely take note of what he's trying to say about the abolishment of these institutions for a state controlled/issued programs.
07-09-14 20:24:20
ZenOfTube ::: Favorites
Finally someone said it to the ignorant world: Neo-cons are ex-liberals. This whole Democrat/Neo-con Republican thing is about growing the government and shrinking the rights of the individual. Ron Paul is the only person running on America's constitutional ideals and anyone else will continue down the path of installing a police state.
07-09-13 03:25:37
friendtonone ::: Favorites
lmao. You think attacking other countries stops terrorism? Is that why Iraq didn't have one suicide bombing in its history before 9-11? GO BACK TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S ROOTS IT USED TO BE THE PARTY OF SMALL GOVERNMENT AND DNOW IT IS THE PARTY OF BIG GOVERNMENT AN BIG BROTHER.
07-09-12 07:39:25
Riaining ::: Favorites
The truth is there that the majority of terrorism is a false flag operation perpetrated by our government and the british government. You think its a joke? Its FACT and this is only one: h t t p : // tinyurl(.)com/2emrk9 Because the link to the original site has a long address, i made it small.
07-09-11 23:27:23
Riaining ::: Favorites
Ron Paul is about freedom for America, how can anyone try to attack him on his honest policies and his stance on the freedom we deserve, and the freedom we've been losing.
07-09-11 23:11:35
Riaining ::: Favorites
I think its a hysterical name used for this news room. "The Spin Room". That is what the mass-media stations all over the world do, they spin the stories opposite of what actually happened. There are embedded journalists everywhere to make sure that the true stories do not come out and the ones that the government appointed officials choose to be in the spotlight.
07-09-11 23:11:22
Riaining ::: Favorites
You appear to me like someone that would rather pick a fist fight with someone than a fight of intellectuality. Your post has no merit or credit to your reasons for saying anything. Offensive language earns you the award of ignorance and lack of intellectual finesse.
07-09-11 23:07:46


Duration: 10:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 19:02:40
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barfomcgee ::: Favorites
What a ridiculous question, regarding a "personal god." That should have no place in a democratic debate. Kudos to Gravel for not caving to the Christians by lying about his personal prayer habits, like the other candidates DEFINITELY did.
07-09-15 11:06:16
Fatmanc4 ::: Favorites
Notice that they never really answered the real reason why all the troops won't be taken out, Gravel had the answer but of course there not going to let him speak, the answer is the remaining troops are there for oil, to privatize Iraqi oil, Kucinich was the only one who got to say it, you want real change and no more lies? Gravel/Kucinich 08, real leader ship!
07-09-12 23:39:57
BrickSalad ::: Favorites
lol @ 1:24. Elizabeth finds biden rather boring apparently.
07-09-07 16:34:14
pxs5312 ::: Favorites
Joe is Right
07-09-06 19:50:11
NathanSH ::: Favorites
Go Kucinich, god damnit good job Dennis get your voice in there and embarrass the other terrible candidates.
07-09-03 05:07:49
Ayyube ::: Favorites
Good that Obama and Richardson are rising in Iowa polls and Clinton and Edwards are slowly sliding down. I hope this continues!
07-09-01 23:12:42
devilembace ::: Favorites
biden should be in charge of stopping this war, he knows even more than hillary. Obama's just listening to his hero...he copied all of biden's idea in his pakistan speech anyway. Biden has the strongest character up there.
07-08-29 08:57:17
groens ::: Favorites
***** for kucinich!
07-08-28 13:51:35
orwellwaspsychic ::: Favorites
Dennis is taller in character & ethics than any dem and ESPECIALLY any rep running for president.
07-08-26 13:02:10
overmind25 ::: Favorites
The Elites... Can you people please pick another word. Elite is a good word.
07-08-24 18:02:24


Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 18:53:54
User: xELRx
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Description: (BOOB BOUNCE) #1

zenx007 ::: Favorites
07-09-16 09:05:21
10228 ::: Favorites
thats the name of this show
07-09-13 23:36:45
gasher70 ::: Favorites
07-09-09 15:14:14
Bareon ::: Favorites
Eiken.. really weird.. I believe there are only 3 episodes..
07-09-08 01:56:11
wosko ::: Favorites
lol boobs
07-09-07 22:25:07
alphonso5 ::: Favorites
not good
07-09-07 19:28:13
WeaponXSigma ::: Favorites
What the deuce? Why the loop?
07-09-07 11:00:17
mahnbytesband ::: Favorites
what anime is this?
07-09-07 07:54:39
HiThereDawgs182 ::: Favorites
07-09-06 02:34:25
lance1392 ::: Favorites
Why limit to this lame loop? totally degrades the whole anime...
07-09-06 01:01:46


Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-30 18:15:36
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Duration: 07:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 10:28:13
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KobyBrandt ::: Favorites
Everyone should be incredibly angry over this...
07-08-31 03:10:16
kaygymnastbabesae ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-27 04:22:28
cybervigilante ::: Favorites
According to the CIA factbook we are the poorest nation in the world. We have the most debt of any nation, while China has the most money. We rank below Albania.
07-08-26 02:50:09
erikinhawaii ::: Favorites
Funny , here in Hawaii , a great example of the US resembling a 3rd world country. We have the worse roads in the world.
07-08-18 07:05:00
TuathadaDanaan ::: Favorites
China has already bought up 3 trillion U.S. dollars and are holding them in reserve...getting ready to drop the money grid and then watch the anarchy and chaos and the things they will put into place while we are all scrambling to get our lives in order...not looking forward to that diversion! Keep sharing please, it is appreciated!! Peace!
07-08-15 12:47:00
deathofnwo ::: Favorites
Eagle9 you go! Rothschilds owns News Corp. amd the reporting of the Dow Jones! Either Paul/Gravel or armed revolution. Leon Zagami exIlluminati says 2010 the Rothschild/Rockefeller demonic duel planned to dump the US economy for ASIA! News flash the Elite are rich not the shrinking middle class and poor!
07-08-14 01:14:00
0rip0 ::: Favorites
Sounds nice, but the government will just freeze all assets and take whatever they want from you. As long as they have the military you will pay taxes.
07-08-13 15:53:00
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
BOTH PARTIES HAVE SOLD THIS REPUBLIC OUT: Our infrastructure is falling apart; but we have $TRILLIONS for WAR and WORLD POLICING. Both parties voted in NAFTA,GATT,WTO, (NAU next?) Both controlled by Rockefeller's CFR/Trilat/ Bilderberg fronts. THAT AGENDA MUST BE EXPOSED, and supporting politicians eradicated. RonPaul is the PEACE CANDIDATE
07-08-13 15:21:36
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
UNDERSTAND; both parties are complicit in war mongering. They covered up; Waco, OKC, Ruby Ridge, USS Liberty attack etc. Both complicit in subjugation to Federal Reserve. Two rotten parties sharing the spoils by maintaining the fraud that voters are given a real choice. Fascism or socialism; no Constitutionalism, no Populism, or true liberty allowed by their NWO controllers. Gravel and Kusinich are the only dedicated ANTI-CFR Democrats Ron Paul is the only dedicated ANTI-CFR Republican
07-08-13 14:50:39
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
Zbigniew Brzyzinski formed Trilateral Commission for David Rockefeller ,and Jimmy Carter was made a founding member. Carter later became President, & ZB was made Carter's chief security adviser. Taking off where CFR/Trilat/Bilderberger Kissinger left off. ZB also stated Communism is superior to Capitalism, and Capitalism would fall.
07-08-13 14:21:12