Duration: 01:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-15 19:04:38 User: JapaneseAVIdols :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 嘘です(^_^;) Marin. LOVE SEMEN |
Monday, September 17, 2007
大塚愛 デビューまでの軌跡
AJAX - HERACLES ALMELO, 01-04-2007, 1-0, Ajaxlinks.nl
Duration: 00:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-01 08:52:26 User: AjaxLinks :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: De 1-0 van Wesley Sneijder |
Comments | |
Nultwintig020 ::: Favorites ANTI-VOETBAL!!!! wees maar trots boertjes 07-04-03 07:35:52 __________________________________________________ | |
AjaxLinks ::: Favorites Is idd kut beeld, geen idee hoe het komt, is hetzelfde opgenomen als tegen Psv.. Als je de goal download vanaf de site is het beeld wel beter. 07-04-02 10:54:53 __________________________________________________ | |
fkceb ::: Favorites ik zag hem kjken hoor 07-04-02 10:44:26 __________________________________________________ | |
92384712 ::: Favorites lekker beeld zie der geen kut van, gore kk boer houd jij je bek gewoon eve. vieze internet hoolie 07-04-01 15:19:52 __________________________________________________ | |
sikkyjeff ::: Favorites kut joden PSv Champions... 07-04-01 14:25:14 __________________________________________________ | |
Nultwintig020 ::: Favorites JODEN! 07-04-01 11:22:53 __________________________________________________ |
Spitfire Low Pass
Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-17 01:04:32 User: GerbilGod7 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: http://www.ohgizmo.com/ |
Comments | |
jsg247 ::: Favorites Would have been great if it just clipped him! 07-05-18 15:45:47 __________________________________________________ | |
djc46 ::: Favorites DUCK!! Glad I'm a short arse now! 07-05-18 15:12:54 __________________________________________________ |
Imágenes casting Gran Hermano 9 en aquí hay tomate
Duration: 01:09 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-31 12:57:14 User: anitagh9 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Aquí hay tomate nos muestra los castings de algunos de los candidatos a ser concursantes de Gran Hermano 9. |
Comments | |
astrohungara ::: Favorites tenía que haber entrado carlos ( el de los tatuajes) 07-09-12 12:46:30 __________________________________________________ | |
put0am0 ::: Favorites encima q crea puestos d trabajo xD 07-09-11 16:10:23 __________________________________________________ | |
retjos ::: Favorites k caña de pograma jaja. k entre el del dedo de la nariz aver si encuentra petroleo en la casa y nos reimos un rato.jaja 07-09-11 15:24:10 __________________________________________________ | |
jonmassi ::: Favorites LOL ¬¬ 07-09-11 11:19:16 __________________________________________________ | |
badajod ::: Favorites Queremos ver especies raras (aparte de la presentadora). 07-09-11 09:47:05 __________________________________________________ | |
TheMaKiNon ::: Favorites k verguenza!! 07-09-11 09:24:27 __________________________________________________ | |
irvanae ::: Favorites jooooooder al final los k entran son los mas normales XD 07-09-10 15:09:08 __________________________________________________ | |
elojosbonitos ::: Favorites el del dedo en la nariz se creia q iba a entrar cuando estabamos esperando a entrar a la habitacion dl hotel y mira lo q hizo... jajaja, bueno hijo, pa otro año (si t yaman) no vayas como esta vez tio, t has lucido, jaja. 07-09-10 11:20:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Paulaa7x ::: Favorites yo conozco al de los tatuajes... (la sirenita etc..) trabaja en el H&M de Valencia.. que pena q no halla entrado!! 07-09-10 07:40:12 __________________________________________________ | |
tarantinno007 ::: Favorites Si todos somos unos frikis,unos mas guapos k otros pero todos unos locos frikis 07-09-09 18:04:51 __________________________________________________ |
Duration: 03:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-09 17:26:41 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Comments | |
turkishelite2023 ::: Favorites Biz Türküz Biz hep böyleyiz : watch?v=dJQgx82OrTI 07-09-13 18:16:14 __________________________________________________ | |
ofis21 ::: Favorites pıvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvberde bınete gerde 07-09-13 07:25:31 __________________________________________________ | |
metebabaxx ::: Favorites bak karargah38 ananı sikerim hükümete ne dersen de o siyasi kısım ben de sevmiom zaten hükümeti ama orduya laf edenin anasını sikerim darbe oldu desen ordu hükümeti tanımıyo dersiniz asker kararlara uysa hükümetin yalakası dersiniz napsın lan asker al izle de kimin götü yemez ırağa girmeyi gör watch?v=YaIsutpMwpc watch?v=uVl43rpszEw watch?v=eyFadjfQhbw 07-09-10 10:08:27 __________________________________________________ | |
metebabaxx ::: Favorites atsama ananın amı mı açıldı la ibne götverenin oğlu yarrakkafa amsurat senin kürdistanının amına koyum olum oralar hep TÜRK toprağıydı ve hep de öyle kalacak sizde dağlarda aç köpekler gibi sikileceksiniz o kırdığın elleri alır ananın amına sokarım piç kuruları kurumunun köpeklerinin anasının amına dallı ballı attırıyım kürdistanı düşleme topoş topoş İMRALI da sikiliyo top apoş 07-09-10 09:59:44 __________________________________________________ | |
esedullahii ::: Favorites yuzde 47 gotune gırsın ırkıcı manyak gıt kendıne bır turk peygambe rbul belkı bulursun ha sen en ıyı sı gıt cengız hana atbi ol yasasın islam kardeşlıgı 07-09-08 06:05:16 __________________________________________________ | |
karsly79 ::: Favorites 2 günlük is . . . 07-09-07 22:38:41 __________________________________________________ | |
bahadir64 ::: Favorites aman aman yerde fazla durmasin ucaklar ucun ucun gebertin o picleri cok güzel bende vatanimiz üzerinde kus gibi ucup kafalariniza bombalari sicsam yasasin türkiye atislara devam 07-09-05 17:53:23 __________________________________________________ | |
bereli18 ::: Favorites girsede azcik kurt oldursek bizde 07-09-01 16:55:32 __________________________________________________ | |
ahdv0135 ::: Favorites Biz saldırırsak girersek ananız bile duyar adiler... yusuf yusuf mu oldunuz? Biz gizli saklı iş yapmayız girer, orayı temizler çıkarız merak etmeyin...Bekleyin. Şimdilik İran bellesin ananızı:) 07-08-31 22:44:30 __________________________________________________ | |
ahdv0135 ::: Favorites gaflet, dalalet ve hiyanet içinde olanlar sıkı durun size de gelecek sıra...Yalan üstüne yalan hayvan soyları. 07-08-31 22:42:14 __________________________________________________ |
Pain Station
Duration: 00:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-16 22:18:39 User: GerbilGod7 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: http://www.ohgizmo.com http://www.painstation.de/ |
Comments | |
oid123 ::: Favorites Oooooooooooooo i am laughing sooooooooooo hard xDDDDDDDDD 07-06-30 01:19:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Memeshii ::: Favorites o u gotta b kidding me!! it zaps u when u lose?! Like i need something else in my life to hurt me.. lame! 07-05-05 21:56:01 __________________________________________________ | |
Sheepshagger300 ::: Favorites That is da shit! 07-05-01 16:00:24 __________________________________________________ |
GFC-Ajax 0-3 Sneijder
Duration: 00:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-18 04:00:50 User: ewixnl :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: GFC-Ajax (0-9 FT) maandag 16 juli 2007 0-3 Wesley Sneijder '16 |
Kazuki Ai AV deview
Duration: 00:15 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-22 16:20:33 User: JapaneseAVIdols :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 短くてすんません |
Tayyibi kim vurmak ister? Turk Solu
Duration: 02:42 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-07 17:40:41 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Tayyibi kim vurmak ister? |
Comments | |
zokari ::: Favorites bu ülke ordusuyla polisi ile ve her kurumu ile yıllar yılı sola vurmuştur.sag görüşe ise maddi manevi hatta silahlı hiç bir yardımını esirgememiştir..şimdi ise sagcı -dini akım karsısında çaresiz..ülkeyi baştan aşşagı imam hatiplerle kuşatanda bu devlet degilmi 07-09-16 01:52:58 __________________________________________________ | |
painsneverstop ::: Favorites orduyu faşizmle suçlaman yersiz o ordu olmasaydı ülkemiz şu an yoktu başına emperyalist amerika bayrağını dikerlerdi 07-09-15 04:16:52 __________________________________________________ | |
MERKEZTAYFASI ::: Favorites faşist ordu kahrolsun faşizm yaşasın sosyalizm 07-09-13 13:29:26 __________________________________________________ | |
maximtsigalko16 ::: Favorites asker de uyuyo artık ordu göreveeeee 07-09-12 08:59:57 __________________________________________________ | |
anitaroehrick8011 ::: Favorites Find a sexy fling over at sexyflingdating dot com 07-09-10 08:29:29 __________________________________________________ | |
111thsquadron ::: Favorites AM pul 07-09-10 05:17:52 __________________________________________________ | |
allora38 ::: Favorites TAYYİP babayı kimse vuramaz hatta vurmayı bırakın aklına bile getiremezz...etten duvar ördük biz kimse basbakanıma dokunamazz.dokunan eli kırarız 07-09-09 10:00:07 __________________________________________________ | |
Ebabill ::: Favorites Tayyip'in A.Menderes'ten eksiği yok fazlası var.Yahudi uşağı pezevenk. 07-09-02 11:23:22 __________________________________________________ | |
mikkakimi ::: Favorites ben isterim... 07-08-24 16:20:31 __________________________________________________ | |
BAGHATURK ::: Favorites tayibin anasini sikeyim. 07-08-21 01:18:45 __________________________________________________ |
HSM 2 - You Are The Music in me (Sharpay REMIX)
Duration: 03:24 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 07:41:58 User: djphredee :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: PLEASE READ HERE FIRST!!!!! *HQ Sound* http://www.savefile.com/files/1052198 ok.. i stayed up for hours tryin to make this sound as good as possible.. it was really hard to work with.. so in my opinion, it came out "ok".. i worked for days on this tryin to figure how i can remix this.. so here's my final product.. so you guys be the judge.. hate or love it =P ENJOY EVERYONE! and RATE! All Songs are COPYRIGHT of Walt Disney.. i own no content.. the remixes i make are hobbies.. i do not own copyright to High School Musical or any other affiliates.. |
Comments | |
kriiistiii ::: Favorites OMG! I love the beginning!! It was so cool! awesome! :D 07-09-17 07:02:43 __________________________________________________ | |
guineverelaramie ::: Favorites This was really great! The beginning was so great, I loved it! 07-09-17 02:15:02 __________________________________________________ | |
lilmissy324 ::: Favorites i love ALLLL ur remixes ur crazy good!=] 07-09-16 23:27:22 __________________________________________________ | |
NessaHudgensfan101 ::: Favorites LOVE IT!!!!!! 07-09-16 19:49:07 __________________________________________________ | |
jblover1012 ::: Favorites what prgram do u use? 07-09-16 19:02:59 __________________________________________________ | |
girlbajan ::: Favorites This is great! the first part has gotta be the best! but the whole song really, great!!! 07-09-16 17:13:13 __________________________________________________ | |
jonasbrothersarecool ::: Favorites this is amazing. great great great job. your remixes poneeee<3 07-09-16 16:37:04 __________________________________________________ | |
Shakeyy59 ::: Favorites omg this is a really good remix! keep up the great work =D 07-09-16 16:29:22 __________________________________________________ | |
hsmddr ::: Favorites even though this is my least favourite song from hsm2 it sounds really good remixed. probably because its a really upbeat song 07-09-16 15:48:12 __________________________________________________ | |
KSfatcusion ::: Favorites that's awesome! 07-09-16 14:55:49 __________________________________________________ |
Duration: 03:49 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-01 19:34:46 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Comments | |
blackkist ::: Favorites sazan gibi atlamak böyle bişey olsa gerek:) kazara bir tane de timsah atlarsa o tekneye bakalım o zaman da böyle kahkaha atabilecen mi pezevenk 07-08-01 19:25:02 __________________________________________________ | |
tugsaval ::: Favorites abii mükemmel bişey yaaaa!!! 07-07-28 11:05:42 __________________________________________________ | |
quiper78 ::: Favorites olamaz böle bişe 07-07-28 09:09:20 __________________________________________________ | |
konazol ::: Favorites bomba ya 07-07-19 13:54:27 __________________________________________________ | |
guvenogun ::: Favorites süper yaaaa:D 07-07-18 18:19:47 __________________________________________________ | |
dgncn000 ::: Favorites hahha one lan 07-07-16 17:17:30 __________________________________________________ | |
ugokhan ::: Favorites balta girmemiş bir deniz burası herhalde. körlerin bile balık tutabileceği bir yer. mikrofonla balık avlama teknikleri konusunda arkadaş çok derin bilgiler vermiş :) 07-06-23 09:39:16 __________________________________________________ | |
CayveSigara ::: Favorites harika ya :) 07-06-23 09:34:44 __________________________________________________ | |
sikidunmecit ::: Favorites haklısın dream baksana plajda kum gibi balıklar bi ilginc:) 07-06-10 11:41:02 __________________________________________________ | |
dreamab777 ::: Favorites kimbilir kaç yıl av yasağı vardı bu yerde 07-05-09 23:17:59 __________________________________________________ |
CHP Lideri Deniz Baykal'ın Devam Kararı Üzerine Yorumlar
Duration: 05:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-01 21:53:55 User: kuvayimilliyeciyiz :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: CHP Lideri Deniz Baykal'ın Devam Kararı Üzerine Yorumlar |
crazy frog
Duration: 00:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-07 15:42:52 User: nicojones13 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: my version of "crazy frog" with the best song! good quality |
Comments | |
Utena4pianista1990 ::: Favorites Nico, t'animo a no fumar mescles caducades. En fi, creativitat al poder...^^ 07-09-05 15:32:56 __________________________________________________ | |
nadalanton ::: Favorites ¡¡¡Qué paranoiaaaaas!!! Saludos 07-05-30 17:12:24 __________________________________________________ |
Artur Boruc 1 !!! Polska Finalndia Poland Finland Suomi
Duration: 00:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 06:29:15 User: LegiaF1 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Artur Boruc 1 !!! Polska Finalndia |
el trilero mágico del abuelo
Duration: 03:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-19 09:47:20 User: nicojones13 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: el auténtico trilero de magia del abuelo lcc |
Comments | |
nicojones13 ::: Favorites gracias a todo el mundo por ver mi video este chico es luis,un mago muy bueno... felicidades, ya llevas 1300 reproducciones... ánimo! 07-08-29 13:01:39 __________________________________________________ | |
SS4Kame ::: Favorites yo lo hago con fournier 818 este mismo truco xDla verdad es que se ve bastante igual que el tuyo, yo las muevo de otra manera xD 07-08-16 15:31:44 __________________________________________________ | |
nicojonesk ::: Favorites hey muy bonito, eres muy bueno no entiendo lo de "relevance", gente con menos rating y menos visitas y estan los primeros de la lista haced como yo: comentario y rating, y seguro que sube!! ánimo luis nJ 07-08-02 15:02:35 __________________________________________________ | |
SFDK666MAGIC ::: Favorites muy bonitooooo eres bueno xd 07-05-25 11:37:45 __________________________________________________ | |
Riddir ::: Favorites Dos palabras: im presionante. 07-05-23 15:47:21 __________________________________________________ | |
Root2500 ::: Favorites Muy bonito tio y eso ke lo as hecho con bicycles ke se prestan menos a los dobles,m a gustao mucho 07-05-06 11:15:00 __________________________________________________ | |
skruted90 ::: Favorites Visca l mag de la classe jajaja Orgullo de trilero 07-03-25 12:35:15 __________________________________________________ |
funny suzuki moto advertisment
Duration: 00:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-30 18:48:35 User: nicojones13 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: from 0 to 200kmh in 7'2 seconds cool and what about the dog? |
AU Actface Concept Phone
Duration: 00:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:06:07 User: GerbilGod7 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Read more at http://www.ohgizmo.com/ |
Comments | |
entocheets ::: Favorites Man even so, it looks fucking cool It's like having a green-colored ipod - who the fuck cares what color it is. This phone is looks the business, it rocks. On a serious note, this sorta thing reminds me of the DS - almost seamless dual-screening!! Maybe we can see a DS-Micro, with this seamless dual-screening and ultra-thin profile etc etc. 07-08-08 05:10:27 __________________________________________________ | |
Digeridude ::: Favorites Cool idea, but why does it need two screens? The numbers should just disappear to make way for the video. 07-08-08 00:23:19 __________________________________________________ | |
Ramy078 ::: Favorites To make your story short: This thing sucks. 07-08-07 09:36:53 __________________________________________________ | |
macnation ::: Favorites the only thing they seem to demo with this is the "glass and magnification" aspects of the virtual keys. all the videos and translated documents talk alot about them. Its not that hard to achieve but there isnt really a point to it either. Its not like its a transition or animation that actually adds to the usability of the device. 07-08-06 20:17:26 __________________________________________________ |
AJAX - HERACLES ALMELO, 01-04-2007, 2-0, Ajaxlinks.nl
Duration: 00:17 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-01 09:44:43 User: AjaxLinks :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: De 2-0 van Klaas Jan Huntelaar |
Comments | |
sjaakieeeeee ::: Favorites Wat een nette goal toch weer 07-04-01 10:34:05 __________________________________________________ |
Comentarios tras las primeras nominaciones
Duration: 07:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-14 15:44:06 User: anitagh9 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Una vez terminada la gala algunos de los chicos comentan su impresiones. |
Comments | |
tania89skt ::: Favorites el pavo ese es un mentiroso, no nomino a dadi 07-09-15 18:15:59 __________________________________________________ |
Artur Boruc 2 !!! Polska Finalndia Poland Finland Suomi
Duration: 00:19 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 06:31:45 User: LegiaF1 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Artur Boruc 2 !!! Polska Finalndia Poland Finland Suomi |
Comments | |
marcinboo ::: Favorites Artur Boruc is the man!!! 07-09-14 23:32:37 __________________________________________________ |
Merdan Yanardag PKK gazetesi yazi isleri muduru!
Duration: 05:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-12 14:18:39 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Merdan Yanardag kimdir? |
Comments | |
evollix ::: Favorites amını siktimin kürdü boksunuz lan siz bu ülkede pislik gözüyle bakılıyo size bok kokuyosunuz yolda görünce yolumu deiştiriyom pis kokuosunuz diye 07-08-17 07:39:46 __________________________________________________ | |
FuckHellas ::: Favorites siktirin lan orospu çocuğu iftiracılar.Sizin ananızı aldattı böyle intikam almak istiyonuz 07-08-09 11:55:21 __________________________________________________ | |
evollix ::: Favorites kürtlerinin kızları sikişiyooooooo duyurulur babasına yada abisine 100 kontür alana kızlarını veriyolar :)ehuehuueh 100 kontürlük maymun tipliler topluluğu 07-08-07 07:00:39 __________________________________________________ | |
evollix ::: Favorites novsco90 = buda orospuçocuğu :) heueheuheee 07-07-30 10:32:03 __________________________________________________ | |
engewal10 ::: Favorites Bu yazar fethullah gülenin 35 yıllık yol arkadası nurettin verenle tv programı yapan,sonrada kitap yazarak nurettin verenin anlattıkları&belgeleriyle,fetullah gülenin CIA ajanı ve Türkiye cumhuriyeti düşmanı bir vatanhaini olduğunu anlatan değilmi?? samanyolu kanalıda fetullah gülenin kanalı değilmi? e hersey ortada 07-07-12 06:09:18 __________________________________________________ | |
novsco90 ::: Favorites orospucocudu sensin a.q.cahili bu ulkeyi zaten bi sikten anlamadiginiz icin batirdiniz.o insan bu ulkenin en buyuk dusunurlerinden siktigim tarafli medyasi samanyolununda ta a.q. 07-07-12 05:03:02 __________________________________________________ | |
evollix ::: Favorites = orospuçocuğu :D 07-06-27 10:52:46 __________________________________________________ |