Sunday, February 24, 2008

Amanda in german class

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-04 22:02:56
User: bQuilks



amanda describing herself in german class for here german exchange student.


butterbluemchen90  2007-12-02 08:23:07

ähm..ich habe kein einziges Wort verstanden..?! welche Sprache soll das denn dein? Deutsch auf jeden Fall nicht!!!
matic12321  2007-07-13 02:38:04

fuuking germans
tresckow  2007-05-14 02:57:41

wow your german sucks
bQuilks  2007-02-05 15:23:03

fantastic....just fantastic!

naruto idol #1

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-11 21:11:22
User: Yoshino

naruto | idol | sasuka | sakura | garra 


after watching many naruto idols i disided 2 make this GARRA-the hell song sasuka/naruto-end of the world as we know it sakura-horse with no name


Shadow23456789101112  2007-12-19 22:32:29

Vmake  2007-04-06 16:50:02

i love this video and still love garra you did verry good i suc at making this kind of stuf
Yoshino  2007-04-05 15:49:36

yea i just relized that thanx for pointing it out
Vmake  2007-04-04 17:14:45

i love garra and did you put sasuka you know its sakura right oh well i still loved garra;P
Yoshino  2007-03-30 19:48:19

thank you

best hip hop song ever

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-10 13:01:14
User: halfricanblack1

feehan | dogs | cooking | burgers | juice 


th best hip hop song ever.



Ciara - Promise

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-16 19:09:03
User: emilio25jul91

Ciara | Promise | hip-hop |


im just bored........... made some crap......... enjoy (not the crap)



Charleston & Vendetta (French Sub)

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-06 11:39:10
User: skyserky

Bande annonce du film a gros budget Serbe, Charleston & Vendetta (en Serbe : Carlston za Ognjenku). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INFO : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Réalisé par Uroš Stojanovic et co-écrit par Aleksandar Radivojevic & Stojanovic, il est réglé pour une sortit en salles en Serbie le 30 janvier 2008. Fabriqué sur un budget qui dépasse les 4 millions €, le film a été tourné durant l'été 2005. Il est ensuite rendu dans une longe post-production. On apprend également que Luc Besson serait très intéressé pour la diffusion du film en France, que l'on encourage fortement. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Résumé : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L'intrigue du film se passe dans les années 1920 dans l'après-Première Guerre mondiale en Serbie. Reconstruire après une exténuante guerre dans laquelle le pays a perdu une bonne partie de sa jeune population masculine. La situation est particulièrement visible dans certaines régions rurales, où cette pénurie d'hommes menace d'éteindre la vie complètement. Deux sœurs, Ognjenka (Sonja Kolacaric) et Mala Boginja (Katarina Radivojevic) à partir d'un village fictif "Pokrp" qui n'a pas d'hommes en âge de se marier partent à la recherche de bons hommes à apporter à la maison. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sous-titre et Traduction par ONE-SKAY (skyserky) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


jebach92  2008-02-04 07:18:21

Film nije los! Inace ja sam iz bora, bila je premijera kod nas! Najvise mi se svidja kad arsa prci Katu Radivojevic!
opanakiobojak  2008-01-25 21:00:50

kanda ovo moze biti dobar nas film posle dugo godina
Nominaaa  2008-01-07 15:15:25

hmmmm cool

B.o.B feat Amy Winehouse "Grip Your Body"

Duration: 03:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-27 03:46:24
User: tjsdjscom

b.o.b | BoB | Amy | Winehouse | TJs 


New song from B.o.B feat Amy Winehouse "Grip Your Body"


jasaunboone  2008-02-20 17:40:53

VERY nice! He won't just be on the underground circuit for long. A star in the making, WATCH.
XpaganBaabiiiX  2008-02-14 04:17:10

This is my song Whoo B.o.b sexy 2
imthingy  2008-02-10 16:36:35

nargile1  2008-02-06 15:50:25

This Track Rules Man Awome. Make another 1 like this aswell! :D !!! i just wana grip your body body! i just i just wana grip your body! xD
nargile1  2008-02-06 15:45:57

This Track Is Awsome :D !!!!!!

High-rise garden surprise

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-16 06:11:38
User: scmp888

scmp | hong | kong | hsbc | rooftop 


Perked on top of the HSBC building in Mong Kok is a rooftop garden that gives staff a chance to while away during a day of hectic banking.



Movimentação Tática - CQB - Volume I

Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-01 22:57:16
User: marceloutsch

Vídeo instrucional de movimentação tática para aplicação e treinamento destinado ao Paintball Cenário e Mata. Produzido única e excluisvamente para a instrução e Jogadores de Paintball.


marceloutsch  2007-10-31 06:07:20

Obrigado pelo Comentário Junior! Abraço
jjjunior13  2007-10-30 18:14:42

video mtu loko usei essa tatica quando joguei e deu certo xD vlw
marceloutsch  2007-10-30 16:44:32

Opa! Obrigado pelo comentário parceiro. Sobre o capacete, trata-se de um Tracker Six trucks! Abraço
CovertOps01  2007-10-29 21:14:05

Excelente vídeo... capacete protec? abraços
marceloutsch  2007-10-25 18:14:08

O nome desse Loader é Tac Cap, e o preço dele lá fora é +/- US$ 9,00. Aqui, você encontra dele na Kamikaze e o preço deve girar em torno dos R$ 50,00. Abraço

New starter + New Channel Icon - LineBuster

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-30 17:34:29
User: LineBuster

Channel | icon | line | rider | buster 


In English : Well, this is my last icon for my YouTube channel, which replaces the "FMA" and the "starter" for my videos. Enjoy! En Français : Alors, ceci est ma dernière icone pour ma chaîne YouTube, qui remplacera le "FMA" ainsi que le "starter" pour mes vidéos. Appréciez ! ---------- Music : Sum 41 - Underclass Hero / Subject to Change


staronline7  2008-02-12 00:24:17

Genuis :)
bjerre93  2008-02-01 11:37:04

That was like the best that I have ver seen...
Jorgybrown2  2008-01-31 16:06:10

thats real genius mate, awsome job
MrZNF  2008-01-31 10:51:14

Well, not álways XD
LineBuster  2008-01-31 10:05:25

Thanks TP :-P Sorrydude's is good too ! I haven't saw yet :-P

Ivan il criceto - Una tazza di latte

Duration: 01:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-22 03:20:56
User: deltube46

criceto | russo | latte | biscotti | video 


Le avventure di Ivan il criceto russo. Cosa c'e' di meglio di una tazza di latte coi biscotti? The adventures of Ivan, the russian hamster. What's better than a cup of milk with biscuits?


TENERA519  2008-02-23 16:00:00

ke billuuuuuuuuuuuuu
isa040881  2008-02-14 07:57:00

bellissimo!!!!solo che la mia nn si fa mai prendere e scappa sempre.....
unfabioo  2008-01-29 11:16:08

Che carino!
acaruccio  2008-01-23 11:20:04 mio(sputnik) è diventato tutto bianco con l'inverno..e poi se gli metti il dito vicino alla boccuccia te lo lecca..sembra piu un cane..mah!
Crucifer85  2008-01-08 04:09:17

bellino! è identico al mio.. solo che il mio morde se lo accarezzo XD

Friday, February 22, 2008

Kazakhstan Hit #1

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-30 15:01:28
User: Ghn9Rs2q



Kazakhstan Hit #1 Video - VERY FUNNY


makhti  2008-01-30 04:58:57

boskie !!!! :D:D:D:D
raflik87  2008-01-25 11:40:48

ale szit...
KamilosxD  2008-01-18 11:59:11

This is just taki żal ;x
Prosimir  2007-12-26 13:48:20

Darkv1ce  2007-11-21 04:14:10

This is just awesome!

Boy fight!

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 11:48:04
User: lmonsdizz

Dylan | pillow | fight | jesse | cousin 


My cousin Dylan and his friend Jesse having a pillow fight.



Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-24 18:30:00
User: stefnyatthedisco

fall | out | boy | sugar | we're 


fall out boy performing "sugar we're going down" live with some great pyrotechnics.
