Sunday, August 5, 2007

Guitar Hero II - Misirlou Expert 330k

Duration: 206 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-04 06:39:06
User: JCirri
:::: Favorites

Currently 4th place on Still much room for improvement without making dumb mistakes.

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pantheagle1517 ::: Favorites
my best run on this song was 85% that was insane sweet vid
07-06-03 19:46:56
andyoo97 ::: Favorites
that was cool.
07-06-04 01:21:28
dmoney747 ::: Favorites
sounds like ur trying to start a fire at start :P hehe gj man.
07-06-05 04:32:09
dezrax ::: Favorites
Some people need hyperspeed to play because playing a song with the notes coming at you at a slower rate will make you mess up and strum to early, meanwhile hyperspeed makes the notes come faster, and you can strum on time. However, like I said, this is not for everyone.. hyperspeed makes the notes come faster, so that means you have less time to react when you see a note coming towards you. It's not cheating, think of it as.. "Do you want white meat, or dark meat?".
07-06-06 00:48:10
acattheman ::: Favorites
all i can say is holy SHIT nice job man, post some more vids, YOU ARE INSANE!! ALSO hyperspeed is no cheat all it does is makes the notes come in faster (possibly mkaing it even harder to play!)
07-06-08 12:41:57
flangera ::: Favorites
listen to his strum bar squeak!!! haha
07-06-11 16:34:41
McPhan86 ::: Favorites
very impressive
07-06-13 06:28:04
MizZarler ::: Favorites
dude you rape!!! nice job
07-06-17 21:24:54
darkstar8196 ::: Favorites
dude.... you raped it XD
07-06-22 11:21:38
SnakeBiteProductionz ::: Favorites
HEY! I Know you :p
07-06-24 22:26:49

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