Saturday, August 18, 2007

Joe Lieberman Could Possibly Vote for a Republican in '08??

Duration: 05:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 18:09:10
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

The Young Turks: Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz, and Jill Pike express that they can't continue to criticize Liberman, as he simply left the party and is no longer a Democrat. Watch live from 6-9AM ET on Listen from 6-9AM ET on Air America Radio.

rev24 ::: Favorites
Lieberman licks balls!
07-01-30 19:01:06
georgep922 ::: Favorites
the most evil man in america, lieberman that is. I actually respect the neocons more, at least they dont hide it. oh yea, and boycot CT, you will be inidated with Republicans with no honor and Democrats with no brains or honor.
07-02-20 18:02:30
mitchmanTX ::: Favorites
LIEberman is a Jew first, American last. His interest is Isreal not the USA.
07-02-27 10:36:26
WorldBFree2006 ::: Favorites
You're right on one account mitchmanTX. Lieberman certainly hasn't much of an interest in America, but he could care less about Isreal. His only interest is in filling his own wallet, and how many people have to die for that is inconsequential.
07-03-02 22:59:19
lifter1204 ::: Favorites
Lieberman is a disgrace. He should be kicked out of the Democratic party
07-03-07 23:35:41
darkmonkey557 ::: Favorites
Liberman Rocks!
07-06-22 10:49:30

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