Friday, August 10, 2007

A-rod 500th home run 8/04/07

Duration: 82 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 18:59:17
User: gilgameshnyc
:::: Favorites

a rod hits # 500 finally!!!

Misslilly316 ::: Favorites
took a couple of games but he got it GO A-ROD
07-08-05 11:34:14
Thegame617 ::: Favorites
Yea baby i was there, look at my videos i got a video of it.
07-08-05 12:21:20
JigglesJingle ::: Favorites
aahhaa fuck you Michael Kay, im happy he wasnt calling the game!!!!!!!!!
07-08-05 18:58:01
hollywoodwerewolf ::: Favorites
07-08-07 20:44:22
CCWFTheProject ::: Favorites
Why because he hits 500 home runs? Sure is fun to point fingers isn't it? Fuckin' ridiculous how people profile baseball now. Fucking Jose Canseco.
07-08-08 00:28:27
ejb812 ::: Favorites
A TRUE HOMERUN KING... Bonds is a cheater.. AROD did this without using steroids
07-08-08 14:40:44
evilhelldemon103 ::: Favorites
steroids or not all baseball players could hit homeruns it doesnt just take strength to hit home runs it also takes skill and luck. barry bonds has alot of skill and thats how he beat aarons record.
07-08-08 18:55:04
thatWasFunny7 ::: Favorites
bull shit bonds is a steriod taking ass whole n u know it stop trying to caver it look at him wen he first started playing n look at him now barry lay off the juice
07-08-09 13:51:29
evilhelldemon103 ::: Favorites
bull fuck when he first started playing was 21 years ago of corse he will look different.its like comparing a 1 year old to a 21 year old and saying the 21 year old takes steroids.bullshit
07-08-09 15:44:49
agaggie03 ::: Favorites
A-Rod is the greatest player baseball has ever seen!!!
07-08-09 15:55:03

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