Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Vlog 8675309 BUNCHACRAP

Duration: 09:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-09 18:20:54
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

I MEANT TO SAY JULY 9th 2007... HEHEHEEH. Sorry guys

DragonFurnace ::: Favorites
C the world does revolve around you lol.
07-08-14 04:54:16
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
LOL darn it. I guess I forgot to pay the bill ....
07-08-09 17:11:30
majamah ::: Favorites
hey great vid, but i did go to (lizhasalife) website and it said it was unavaible lol
07-07-27 20:59:18
meganova2006 ::: Favorites
Nice to have you back, and nice to see that things are going better for you, because yer super!! :]
07-07-19 09:14:22
AmaryllaC ::: Favorites
i don't think you should worry too much about things people say about you here, good or bad...they are just comments on what they see and hear on a video that's only a few minutes long. no one can fully see into your life, or your heart, or intentions. but also remember, if you want people to be honest with you, you're going to hear 'bad' things. if people are only telling you that you're great, then there is something wrong
07-07-18 03:57:06
Bassmandave2000 ::: Favorites
Pay no attention to him and his annoying videos.He disabled comments from his page,so he obviously can dish it out,but can't take it.I just subscribed to your channel.I like your clips.
07-07-16 12:40:39
pompint ::: Favorites
You are great!!! you make me laugh
07-07-15 22:42:46
TREVNI ::: Favorites
A pause to say thanks that our prayers for your well being were answered. Keep up the fun stuff SDFG! Stay Happy!
07-07-14 14:59:02
mcvilone ::: Favorites
viva supadupaflygirl! :) lol
07-07-14 13:59:38
wyattkincaid ::: Favorites
What are you majoring in college and have you graduated? Just curious.
07-07-14 12:22:03

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