Monday, April 14, 2008

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney [Case 1] (Part 2)

Duration: 11:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-22 22:33:59

Demonic horns.


calreaper  2008-04-12 13:17:55

that suit payne is wearing is just plain wrong
AnimeAndHaloDOMix  2008-04-09 08:22:46

XD What a great feeling when he yells that out, and the heroic music starts... only to be preventpwned a moment later by Udgy. X3
silvercharizard2  2008-04-05 10:47:33

im also russian cool and uh-oh not the picture
CyberShadic  2008-04-05 09:42:06

Pay attention to the thing though. The pictures show the way the bottle is being held. would you hold a bottle that way to pour something?
MrWhitman  2008-04-05 02:40:18

That's not the point. The point is that there are more ways to have the upsidedown fingerprints on the bottle. SPOILER It's later revealed that there's yet another way for that to happen so the "upside down finerprints" evidence was proved to be invalid.

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