Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 22:46:07
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dapayfx15751 ::: Favorites
I absolutely love this video! But I know of something else that everyone would love. It is kinda creepy, because it actually works, but awesome. I found a way to figure out your crush. Try it for yourself at crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .) before you say it's impossible. Don't break this or you will have bad luck! Go find your crush out now! crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .)
07-09-11 01:13:36
tescr ::: Favorites
After the Diebold debacle at Iowa straw poll, what are some of the meausures we can take to prevent vote fraud? I am thinking: Inform people, raise awareness Write to media, radio shows Write to congressmen, senators, local politicians What about legal actions? Any ideas to prevent the Electronic Machines from making the Election a SELECTION? See what happens to your vote youtube . com/watch?v=GzPXer7946E HACKING DEMOCRACY
07-08-15 19:35:51
selfTrust1 ::: Favorites
Where's the outrage?
07-08-08 20:43:28
MrMichuzz ::: Favorites
also echelon ip adresses ht tp://bilderberg(dot)org/sis.htm#hacked
07-08-08 05:41:10
MrMichuzz ::: Favorites
Echelon is an automated word-screening and data mining program, monitors all e-mail and cell phone communications worldwide for certain keywords. Echelon can be rendered useless if large numbers of people were to include the Echelon key word list in every email that they send.high precentage of e-mails and cell phone calls contain the keywords, their value is nullified.the list is too long to post here, but you should be able to find it here ht tp://ww w.rense(dot)com/general66/scgh(dot)htm
07-08-08 05:40:21
TarotFate ::: Favorites
Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act and is against the government spying on its citizens. Vote Ron Paul for President 2008. ronpaul2008 (dot) com
07-08-08 02:25:33
blookup ::: Favorites
Now, we're going to have to go back to animal calls & smoke signals.
07-08-08 02:20:50
password ::: Favorites
liberty took a punch thanks to too many blue dogs, but liberty won't be held down forever. thanks for temporarily selling out our freedoms congress to a warmonger!
07-08-07 18:25:01
Budvb ::: Favorites
we are being Bucked and no one cares. America will die without any Liberty!
07-08-07 15:14:44
Suz45 ::: Favorites
I doubt I will live to see it. God knows Congress has failed to both have the backbone and to be creative enough to find its away around the AG,but for my children's sakes,I must hope that people wake the heck up.
07-08-07 15:00:45

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