Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 09:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-03 22:01:14
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prrolg ::: Favorites
Do you know who was prosecuting Marc Rich? Mr prosecutor Fitzgerald!! How about that for a coincidence? Fitzgerald's broiling of Libby was revenge for Libby convincing Rich to run to Europe to avoid prosecution thus setting up Clinton's pardon of him.Libby isn't really guilty of anything not that he means anything to me.
07-08-16 18:43:33
prrolg ::: Favorites
Let's get to this now. Joe Wilson set out to destroy Pres Bush with his NYT article.That started the most predictable political war I have ever seen.His wife suggested him for a Niger trip and he came back a Democratic political activist.HER RESPONSIBILITY was to protect her status and network and she did not.Wilson and Plame should be in Levinworth prison right now for blowing her own cover.
07-08-16 18:34:27
prrolg ::: Favorites
Joe Wilson??? The pepsi I was drinking just went up my nose from laughter.
07-08-16 18:31:06
prrolg ::: Favorites
Here is a little support. A sole is on the bottom of your shoe.Soul is what you were trying to refer to.
07-08-16 18:26:12
lt5lee ::: Favorites
Yea well, if all lawyers dropped dead I could get use to the idea real fast.
07-07-16 17:29:48
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
Damn 500 character limit. And I think we could do without any bush's OR clintons for awhile. Maybe a decent 3rd party.
07-07-16 14:17:18
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
And don't be a ditto head! For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would call them selves that. Or hitch their wagon to an addle brained Oxy-contin abuser and a hypocrite.
07-07-16 14:15:00
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
I truly do feel sorry for you,man.You can't see past left right bickering to see the truth. I keep hearing stuff like "but,but clinton did it too",which is sad.Yes clinton pardoned a lot of people including Mark Rich. Do you know WHO Rich's lawyer was that asked clinton for the pardon? None other than I. Scooter Libby!
07-07-16 14:12:20
lt5lee ::: Favorites
You're a victim of liberal propaganda calling all other sources propaganda, go test your sources as real facts do not change despite the source.
07-07-14 21:55:04
BACKBONEMAN666 ::: Favorites
You need to quit drinking the koolaid and get your info from other scources.Not just rush, faux news, and all your other far right scources. In other words DON'T BE A SHEEP!
07-07-13 09:03:57

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